My Morning Smile Dental


Cosmetic Dentistry

Focuses on improvement of dental aesthetics in colour, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile.

Restorative Dentistry

Repairs or replaces teeth to improve oral health and function. Enhances your ability to eat, speak, and chew for a long-lasting smile, and a better quality of life.


Treats and maintains the health of supporting structures of your teeth — your gums and bone! Infection of these structures lead to periodontal disease from lack of dental care, so it is of utmost importance to maintain good and healthy gums.

Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery replaces missing teeth with an artificial tooth with ease of care and similar structure to a natural tooth.


A dental specialty that focuses on aligning your bite and straightening your teeth from crooked, overlapped, twisted or gapped teeth. We offer Invisalign, which is a clear and removable aligner/retainer.


Most often recommended when there is damage to the tooth pulp or root as a result of tooth decay, injury, abscess or fracture. It is treated by removal of damaged or infected tooth pulp, and resealing to prevent further infection.


We offer 2 forms of sedation for surgical procedures, allowing for relaxation while conscious.


Treats wide range of conditions from teeth grinding, sleep apnea to protection from sport-related injuries.


Dentures are artificial replacements for natural teeth and gums, and can be an alternative option if implants are not ideal. They come in 2 types: Complete (all missing teeth) and Partial (one or more missing teeth).